Before starting your study at Hotel Management School Leeuwarden we are organizing a general and mandatory introduction week for all our new first year students. It is the ideal opportunity to discover the city of your study, the school and to get to know your fellow students!
Onboarding period for all February 2025 students:
- StudyStartWeek: 27 - 31 January 2025: discover your fellow students, the school, and the city!
- Onboarding week / DBE Hackathon: 3 - 7 January 2025: a 3-day competition that introduces you to our DBE curriculum.
Registration for Bachelor, Associate degree and Master's students
Sign up for the StudyStartWeek via the registration link we will publish here. You will find all the information you need on the registration form and in the confirmation e-mail. We cannot wait to welcome you to Hotel Management School Leeuwarden soon!
Programme and updates
Check out our insta @studystartweek_hms for our updates!
Schedule and group code
At the registration of the StudyStartWeek, we will inform you about your group code. During the StudyStartWeek we will show you how to find your schedule via your group code.
In case you are not able to join the mandatory StudyStartWeek, you will be informed about your group code by our planning department via your NHL Stenden email address at the end of the StudyStartWeek. The first compulsory day of the study for students who will not join the StudyStartWeek is September 2nd.