Minor content
South Africa is often known as “the world in one” it is a beautiful country with a wide variety of landscapes and an abundance of wildlife. As a result, the wildlife industry has been flourishing since its establishment in the late 1800s. In addition, ecotourism has now become the fastest growing industry in South Africa, on its way to overshadowing the country’s biggest source of income: gold. Whether you want to become a field guide or manage your own reserve, this minor prepares you for this industry.
This minor is offered by the study program Hotel Management.
Structure of the minor
Students gain practical and theoretical knowledge about game lodges and the management there-of. Students learn about conservation and the natural environment and how to apply basic conservation principles to wildlife management operations, as well as their personal choice of study. This program also develops interpersonal skills, where students of different lines of study are forced to work together in a secluded environment.