Jeremy. One of our originals 

“It wasn’t that long ago that I was living life to the full. Now the harsh reality is that I can’t move around without a stick, stroller or wheelchair – and it’s still hard to come to terms with‍. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2021 and my world just fell apart. What started with minor ailments has now grown into something g I’m reminded of every minute of the day. Those minor ailments were my tingling hands and feet, sometimes suddenly losing my balance, and often feeling dizzy.


"My head knew what I had to do, but my body wouldn't follow anymore."

One day, I wanted to run with our dog Brody but my legs just wouldn’t move that fast. My head knew what I had to do but my body wouldn’t follow. When I first went to see the doctor about it, they thought it was down to stress but, after various scans, I was told there were white blotches on my spine and brain. The harsh diagnosis? Multiple Sclerosis, or MS for short. Pretty weird for someone who was always so uninhibited and enthusiastic about life.

Before I got sick I was busy studying, going out with my friends and working in hospitality. I’d carry 5 plates at a time through the restaurant but now just getting from the sofa to the kitchen is a challenge. There’s no more treatment for me in the Netherlands and the only option now is a stem cell transplant in Mexico. It costs 60,000 euro and it’s not covered by insurance. Which is why I’ve started a charity with my girlfriend, family and friends: Jeremy beats MS. And that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not going to give up and I’m going to keep fighting for a good future. I have to and shall be a father that, just like other people do, can enjoy playing with their children.” 

Jeremy Latty, student Teacher Education in English