Ineke Delies qualified as a teacher of Dutch, arts and crafts and Art History at the Ubbo Emmeus teacher training college, followed by a degree in Dutch Language and Literature from Groningen University, from which she graduated in 1983. In the years that followed, she held a number of senior administrative positions in education, tending to focus on innovation and external contacts. She developed educational methods for Secondary Technical Education and initiated several major inter-organisational innovation projects between the education and business communities. She earned her PhD from the Department of Economics and Business Administration at Groningen University in 2009.

 The title of her PhD thesis was: 'Verbindingskracht & Combinatie-vermogen, een empirisch onderzoek naar kennisallianties tussen beroepsonderwijs (ROC) en bedrijfsleven’  [‘Strength to Connect and Ability to Combine: an Empirical Study into Research Alliances Between Higher Vocational Education and the Business Community’].

She has been the Professor of Applied Sciences in the Sustainable Development in the Regional Knowledge Economy Department since 2009.

Inauguration speech

Dr Delies gave an inauguration speech when she was inaugurated as a Professor of Applied Sciences in 2009.


  • Delies, I. (2009): Verbindingskracht & Combinatievermogen. Een empirisch onderzoek naar kennisallianties tussen beroepsonderwijs (ROC) en bedrijfsleven [‘Strength to Connect and Ability to Combine: an Empirical Study into Research Alliances Between Higher Vocational Education and the Business Community’]. Groningen: Groningen University (thesis) 
  • Delies, I. and Zantingh, C (2013): Grensverleggende impulsen aan toerisme in Drenthe en de regio Osnabrück [‘An International Boost to Tourism in Drenthe and the Osnabrück Region’]. In: “Drenthe”, a publication of Drenthe Magazine, 18 November 2013
  • Delies, I. (2013): Multidisciplinaire samenwerking in de regio [‘Regional Multidisciplinary Cooperation’] in: Trendrapport toerisme, recreatie en vrije tijd [‘Trend Report on Tourism, Recreation and Leisure’, 2013]. Published by NRIT Den Bosch, October 2013 
  • Delies, I. (2013): In de Verlenging. Terug- en vooruitblik 1e en 2e lectoraatsperiode (a report reflecting back on, and looking ahead to, the first and second periods of the lectureship, published by Alfa-college and Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Emmen, June 2013) 
  • Delies, I. and Zantingh, C (2013): Toerisme in Euregio krijgt door kenniskringen grensverleggende impulsen [‘Research Groups Provide International Boost for Tourism in the Cross-Border Region Between the Netherlands and Germany’] In: Het Ondernemersbelang, volume 2, May 2013