The lemniscate of serious gaming represents eight consecutive as well as iterative stages in the life cycle of a serious game, each with its own research perspective. The first two stages are ‘reflection’ on the real-life experiences and ‘correlation’ of insights from reality to the model of reality. This is followed by ‘translation’ of the model of reality into the serious game design and ‘implementation’ of a game intervention. The next two stages are ‘reflection’ on game run experiences and ‘correlation’ of insights from the game run with the starting model of reality. The life cycle ends with ‘translation’ of the changed model of reality into real-life actions and ‘implementation’ of these actions.

Sega lemniscate is the foundation of the DBR approach to serious game design, underpinned by the serious gaming methodology. The design as process refers to the end-to-end life cycle of the serious game, while the design as form refers to the physical representation of the game itself.

