De kerncursussen zijn gebaseerd op brede trends en kwesties waar internationale docenten wereldwijd tegenaan lopen. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de impact van commercialisering op het onderwijs, de uitdagingen en mogelijkheden van multiculturele/meertalige omgevingen en de gevolgen van verschillende benaderingen van lesgeven en leren. Je gaat verbanden leggen tussen deze en andere thema's en jouw klas- en schoolcontext.
Studieopbouw Learning & Innovation: speciaal traject International Teacher Education
In dit speciale traject van de tweejarige master kies je aan het begin van je studie een specialisatie die je gedurende drie semesters online volgt. Daarnaast volg je vier kerncursussen op locatie in Leeuwarden.
This course provides a critical overview of international education within a global perspective through an introduction to key theories, priorities, policies and practices in contemporary international education. The course begins with an interrogation of the term ‘international education’, highlighting the power dynamics at play in its conceptualization. From here, the course moves through three key themes: theoretical frameworks for international education, global reforms, and the education market. The course aims to highlight the complex ways in which economic, political and social forces shape international education in an era of globalization, especially in relation to questions and experiences of inequality.
This course provides an overview of some of the most urgent and important issues facing international schools at this time, focusing on ethical and political matters affecting the work of international educators and providing theoretical resources to assist students in their responses to these issues. Contemporary global issues will be critically assessed through consideration of their local manifestations. The course is structured around three themes: contexts of international schools, tensions between policies and practices of international schools, and alternative educational models.
In this course, students explore and reflect upon the concepts of learning and teaching through a variety of interactive methods designed to recognise, value, and capitalize on the diversity within the student group. Students familiarize themselves with a range of international curricula and their inherent philosophies and approaches to learning and assessment practices. The course encourages students to reflect upon current tensions in international education and how these are currently approached by schools in the core areas of learning, teaching, curriculum, and assessment.
This course provides students with a critical understanding of education research and academic writing. Students explore the philosophical concerns around the potentialities and limitations of research as an approach for gaining understandings of international education. There is a strong emphasis on the practical implications of educational research through research-based educational design. Students apply research knowledge, skills and attitudes to the wider profession and engage with nascent research in international schooling.
This specialization consists of three courses:
Languages across the curriculum
Transdisciplinary learning and teaching
Diversity as a resource
In these courses, students engage with a wide range of concepts and practices, such as: pedagogical approaches that support diversity in the classroom, multilingualism, language integrated learning, transdisciplinarity, and transferable skills.
This specialization consists of three courses:
The global context of International Education reform
Educational leadership and change in international schools
Teacher leadership and development in international schools
In these courses, students explore the implications of leadership and of change in the contexts of international schools and international education. Examples of topics explored in these courses include definitions of effective change implementation, concepts and practices related to teacher leaders, macro-level reform and its local translations, and the impact of technology on educational practice and policy.
De inhoud, cursusopdrachten en beoordelingen zijn gebaseerd op hedendaags onderzoek in internationaal onderwijs. Alle cursussen omvatten mogelijkheden om onderzoeksvaardigheden en academische schrijfvaardigheden te versterken en aan te scherpen. Dit is inclusief doorlopende individuele ondersteuning door een ervaren mentor. Uiteindelijk volgt een summatieve beoordeling. Met deze beoordeling kunnen studenten onderwijskundige vraagstukken op klas- en/of schoolniveau in kaart brengen en verbinden. Dat doen ze door middel van een kritisch onderzoek van de professionele werkplek in combinatie met een theoretische analyse van het interessegebied. De opleiding hanteert een formatief beoordelingsmodel dat past bij het design-based onderwijs waar de universiteit zich op heeft toegelegd. Studenten leren in verschillende situaties, bijvoorbeeld ateliers, colleges, feedbacksessies, groepswerk, trajecten, individueel onderzoek, scenariobouw, enz.
Februari - mei (online) | Specialisatie Module 1 |
Februari - september (online) | Kerncursus – Education Research and Academic Writing |
April - september (online) | Kerncursus -Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Assessment in International Schools |
Juli (op locatie) | Kerncursus – Education Research And Academic Writing Kerncursus - Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Assessment in International Schools |
Oktober - januari (online) | Specialisatie Module 2 |
Februari - mei (online) | Specialisatie Module 3 |
April - september (online) | Kerncursus – International Education in a Global Perspective Kerncursus – Contemporary Issues in International Schools |
Juli (op locatie) | Kerncursus – International Education in a Global Perspective Kerncursus – Contemporary Issues in International Schools |
De normale studieduur van het programma is twee jaar in deeltijd, waarbij elk jaar 30 EC omvat. 1 EC staat gelijk aan 28 studie-uren met een gemiddelde van 15 studie-uren per week (exclusief de periode op locatie en de eindbeoordeling).
Als onderwijsprofessional ben je continue bezig met ontwikkelingen en innovatie in het onderwijs. Daarom werk je bij onze onderwijsopleidingen vaak in een team aan realistische praktijkopdrachten.
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