Borrowing, renewing and reserving

As a student or staff member at NHL Stenden, you can borrow books* for free from the libraries of the Dutch campuses. You can use your student or staff card for this. You can renew and reserve books online or at the library desk.

Borrowing and renewing

  • As a student you can have a maximum of 12 books in your possession; staff members can borrow up to 50 books.
  • Renewing is only possible if a book is not reserved. You can only renew online (up to maximum of ten times) if you have no outstanding fines.
  • To renew online, go to the catalogue. After you have logged in, go to "my bookshelf" and "Checkouts" to renew your books.

To the catalogue


You can use the self-service desk to borrow, renew and return books in the library in Leeuwarden, Emmen and Terschelling.

  • The self-service desk is located near the entrance to the library.
  • First scan your library card then use the device to register the materials you want to borrow. You can print a receipt of what you have borrowed with the due dates. The user instructions are displayed on the machine.
  • Not all materials can be borrowed using the self-service desk. DVDs and CDs with a secured cover must be unlocked by a library staff member. 

Loan periods

  • White: 3 weeks
  • Purple & blue: 1 week
  • Red: 1 day; return the following day.

You will receive an email reminder one day before the due date.

Fines for overdue books

Books with a red label: € 1 per book per day
Other books: € 0.20 per book per day

If you have more than € 10 in fines, your library card will be blocked. You can borrow books again once you pay the fine and return the book. If you lose a book, we will send you an invoice for the purchase of a new copy.


Is the book you want to borrow already checked out? Then you can reserve it.

At the moment, online reservations in our new system are not working as we would like. So please come to the library desk or contact us in another way.

You will receive an email when your reserved book is available. You will have 7 days to pick up your reservation.

More information

* or other materials such as DVDs, games, etc.

Contact the library

Opening hours of library locations 

Library regulations (PDF)