*EBSCO eBooks
*Please note: Here you will find the largest collection e-books offered by NHL Stenden!
This database includes e-books in almost all academic disciplines of great scientific publishers. So online versions of a large number of books.
ACM Digital Library
The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) database offers full-text articles, technical magazines and conference proceedings in the field of computer and information technology.
Adformatie Academy
In Adformatie Academy (replacing the Marketing and Communication Intelligence Database), you will find articles, research, tips and solutions, roadmaps, practical cases, checklists and sample briefings on topics in the marketing and communication field.
Note: Access Adformatie Academy by clicking on 'Log in with your Adformatie account', choose 'Log in via educational institute', search for and select NHL Stenden, then log in with your NHL Stenden email and password.
ARBO Vakbase
ARBO Vakbase is an online database with a lot of professional information for every health & safety professional. You will find articles, laws and regulations, case law, models, checklists, pitfalls and risks, and a large number of tips and tricks from various publications by Vakmedianet. Also contains the Dutch magazine Vakblad Arbo.
Beeld en geluid op school (streaming media)
Online collection of audiovisual material for education from the archives of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid)
Bouwkosten online
Bouwkosten online contains up-to-date and well-founded cost data for budgeting, calculating or assessing large-scale construction projects and installation work.
It contains, among other things: material prices, building component prices and hourly rates. An extensive archive of project analyses and indexes is also included in this database. -
BouwZo (formerly ISSO Kennisbank)
BouwZo is the knowledge platform for reliable and validated building knowledge from both ISSO and other knowledge providers. Here you will find publications, handbooks, reports, design guidelines, tools and checklists on various building topics, as well as of InstallQ and other regulations.
Brightmine (formerly XpertHR)
Online platform providing access to an overview of current HR knowledge (such as collective agreements and case law), as well as sample documents (such as contracts) and practical tools.
Business Source Ultimate
Business research database with full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Contains full text information such as market research reports, country reports, industry reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and top management and marketing journals including:
- Harvard Business Review
- Academy of Management Journal
- Journal of Marketing
Online platform to enrich music teaching and learning, with up-to-date resources and best practice music teaching advice and a connection to colleagues around the world.
The CINAHL database contains references to articles from almost all English-language journals in nursing related fields such as physiotherapy and speech therapy.
More information in Training CINAHL (in Dutch). -
News source for the construction industry. Cobouw writes about market developments, sustainability, innovation, construction quality, tendering and infrastructure.
Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
Database of journals in communication, mass media and other closely related fields of study.
Annual reports of companies in the Netherlands and abroad. Company.info contains quality, current and comprehensive business information and company news from any organization in the Netherlands.