*EBSCO eBooks
*Please note: Here you will find the largest collection e-books offered by NHL Stenden!
This database includes e-books in almost all academic disciplines of great scientific publishers. So online versions of a large number of books.
ARBO Vakbase
ARBO Vakbase is an online database with a lot of professional information for every health & safety professional. You will find articles, laws and regulations, case law, models, checklists, pitfalls and risks, and a large number of tips and tricks from various publications by Vakmedianet. Also contains the Dutch magazine Vakblad Arbo.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
Discovery service of the OAPEN Foundation for e-books made accessible in open access by scientific publishers.
Institute of Hospitality
The Institute of Hospitality (IoH) is the world’s leading professional body for hospitality professionals. Through the Institute’s Educational Membership Scheme you will get online access to a wide range of features including:
- Institute of Hospitality publications such as management guides, quarterly hospitality articles and monthly specialist newsletters
- a selection of 2,000 e-journals from world-renowned publishers
- a collection of over 450 e-books and e-audiobooks
- Free webinars on a range of compelling business and industry topics
- International student events
If you want to have access to the institute you have to register first: ·
- Go to https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/membership/who-are-you/student/
- Choose: register for free student membership
- Fill in username and password: Username: 90033273 Password: commitment
- Fill in the student registration form (fill in your NHL Stenden email-address)
- You will receive a confirmation mail and can login at the website: https://www.instituteofhospitality.org/login/
Open Access Books in the subject areas of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.
InView Essential (formerly Kluwer Navigator)
Online dutch information portal providing legal, tax and financial professionals with access to relevant and practical information.
Keuzegids hbo 2025
Study selection guide for bachelor courses (full-time, part-time and dual) . Contains descriptions of the courses by subject and comparisons between Universities of Applied Sciences that offer the same or related studies.
Home access is possible with your NHL Stenden email or through a VPN-connection
Keuzegids Masters 2024
Study selection guide for Master's degree programms.
Legal Handbook Shipmasters
This book is the worldwide international standard Handbook for the shipmaster and all other interested parties whatever the ship’s flag state or nationality of the crew may be.
OECD i-Library
The OECD i-Library is the doorway to the full-text of books and journals from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on a wide range of topics in economics, political science, environmental studies, energy, education, social sciences and health.
For how to use the database, read the user guide or watch the video tutorials.
Safari: O'Reilly's Learning Platform for Higher Education
Repository of content from more than 250 publishers supported with innovative technologies and tools.
Notice: access the database by expanding the 'Select your institution' menu, clicking 'Not listed? Click here' (top) and then enter your NHL Stenden mail address.
Full text articles from the publishers Springer and Bohn Stafleu & van Loghum. Besides Springers free content, including open access research articles, there are Dutch articles about health care available too.