Internationalisation is an important part of NHL Stenden's mission to provide world-class education and research. The labour market and the sectors for which our students are trained are increasingly globalised. To cope with an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world, all students need to understand and be aware of the intercultural and international dimensions and context of their field, whether they are studying abroad or at home, at Associate, Bachelor or Master level.
In line with the above, the mission and vision of NHL Stenden lead to appealing ambitions with regard to internationalisation:
- Graduates of NHL Stenden have acquired the international and intercultural competencies necessary for a successful (international) career in their industry (qualification);
- NHL Stenden graduates are familiarised with a diverse range of traditions, cultures, practices, values and norms (socialisation);
- NHL Stenden graduates are autonomous and independent individuals in our local, national and global society (subjectification).
The internationalisation policy is composed in line with the Strategic Plan 2019-2024 of NHL Stenden. To give direction to the development of internationalisation of NHL Stenden, policy objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) have been formulated, linked to the current phase of development of the institution. These policy goals and KPIs are based on the strategic priorities set by NHL Stenden with regard to internationalisation in this policy, and on the design and implementation of the preconditions necessary to realise the standard of a fully internationalised university of applied sciences.
The ambition to be a fully internationalised university of applied sciences places demands on an internationally friendly and diverse environment and on the composition and experience of our staff. Staff mobility and exchange is an important aspect of our internationalisation activities, both through travel and online peer-to-peer cooperation.
Participation in the Erasmus project is one of these preconditions that opens up opportunities for students and staff to take part in activities, projects, exchanges and other forms of international cooperation, both virtually and through travel. NHL Stenden is currently building a network of strong European partners to cooperate at a strategic level in the development of innovative forms of internationalisation and mobility.