Minor en Mastermarkt

Stand out with your minor!

What is a minor? 

A minor is a compulsory, elective six-month study programme totaling 30 credits (ECTs). A minor gives you new insights and means you can give your studies a unique and personal twist. You can opt to deepen your studies by choosing a minor provided by your own academy or broaden your studies by opting for a minor outside your academy. Your choice of minor shows where your interests lie, helps you achieve your potential and means you can distinguish yourself from others.

At NHL Stenden you can choose:

  • One minor within NHL Stenden of 30 ECs
  • Two minors within NHL Stenden of 15 credits each
  • Kies op Maat (tailor made): taking a minor at another university of applied sciences in the Netherlands
  • Grand Tour: taking a minor at one of our international campuses
  • Exchange: taking a minor or modules at a partner school abroad

Are you studying at another university of applied sciences and would you like to take a minor at NHL Stenden? Then look here for our full offer. 

View all minors

When can I take a minor?

You take a minor during your third or fourth academic year. At NHL Stenden you can choose one minor totaling 30 credits or two minors totaling 15 credits each. All minors start in period 1, 2, 3 or 4. The majority of minors take half a year and start in semester 1 (September) or in semester 2 (February). 

If specific admission requirements apply to the minor you have selected, you must demonstrate in advance that you meet those requirements.

How do I choose a minor? 

  • NHL Stenden holds two minor market days every year. These market days are an ideal way to delve into the various minors that the university provides. Students and lecturers provide detailed information on the content of the minors to help you decide which minor suits you best. The upcoming minor market will be on 11, 12 and 13 March 2025. There will be an online and a physical market with information sessions or walk-in meetings. This website contains all information about the minor market two weeks before the mark.
  • The minor market days are held online in October and March.
  • You can also use the minors search list
  • If, after visiting the minor market , you know which minor you want to take, discuss your preference with your study career advisor to find out whether it is useful/sensible to take that minor.
  • For questions about the content of a minor, please contact the contact person for the relevant minor. You will find an information button for each minor on the minor search list.
  • Would you like to follow a minor at another university of applied sciences? This is done via the Kies op Maat (KOM) website. Register for the minor of your choice via the website and ask permission from your programme's examination board
  • Make your final choice and register.
Minor market academic year 2024-2025 | NHL Stenden

How and when can I register for a minor?

Would you like to take a minor in the 2025-2026 academic year? Then you can register from 14 March to 4 April 2025.

General enrollment information

Minors on the Dutch campuses
Each academic year offers NHL Stenden students two moments to enrol for NHL Stenden minors at the Dutch campuses. This is:

  • March: For students who want to register for minors in semesters 1 or 2 in the next academic year.
  • October: For students who still want to register for minors in semester 2 of the current academic year (for minors which aren’t full yet).

De exact dates will be published on this website. 

Study Abroad
Each academic year offers NHL Stenden students two moments to enrol for a Study Abroad programme:

  • November - March: for all students (both Grand Tour and Exchange) who like to enrol for a Study Abroad programme in semester 1 and semester 2 of next academic year (for the minors which aren’t full yet).
  • September/October: for Grand Tour students who like to enrol for semester 2 of within the current academic year.

For more information and the exact dates keep an eye on the general  Study Abroad intranet news page.


Do you have any more questions about minors after reading this information? 

For questions about the content of a minor, please contact the contact person for the relevant minor. You will find an information button for each minor on the minor search list.

For questions relating to organization (such as registration or cancellation), please contact