Eva Travella

Eva Branding
“My friends took the time to help me”
Eva Travella
Creative Business student

“I seriously considered switching degree programmes. I was disappointed by the content of the first semester of my first year. I couldn’t see the point of it and felt I wasn’t actually doing anything. But my coach told me to hold out: that the second semester would be different.” 

“And he was right. We were in the studio, using the cameras, doing the production. Everything I’d learnt in the first semester came together and I just knew that this was where I wanted to be. 

Working in the production studio just felt so right. 

I also realized I wanted to work for myself and I needed the basic knowledge we’d worked on in the first semester to do that, like marketing and economics. It made me more accepting and I asked for more help, from both my coach and friends. We talked in our group about our strengths and weaknesses and helped each other out. There’s no point breaking your brain watching YouTube tutorials for hours when there’s someone right next to you who can help.” 

“I like how we work together like that. I’ve changed a lot now with learning not to take feedback personally and being more tolerant with others. 

You become more understanding with others – and with yourself. 

Obviously you make mistakes. Not everything can be great on the first try, but if you’re less tough on yourself and not feel so guilty about what you did, then you can move on.”