Minor content
The MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events) is a multi-million dollar industry containing the hosting and organization of an event. Many institutes pay a lot of money to arrange the logistic side of an event. This industry contains a large variety in corporate conferences, music festivals, product launches, branch-related events, exhibitions. This minor focuses on learning the theoretical part of the event industry. You will learn about the theory involved in organizing an event.
With Case Based Learning you have to deal with exciting cases considering the finance, sponsoring, marketing, social media, programming, concept and de-sign of an event and risk management. All these topics will be introduced by experts who have worked in this industry for many years. During the Cape Town Events Tour you will experience various event locations and leisure activities which can be used for your module assignment.
This minor is offered by the study program Hotel Management.
Structure of the minor
Unit 1 – Event management theory (9EC) covering Lectures, Master classes with industry experts, Conferencing and attending online seminars, Management skills with experts, insights from FieldTrips industry experts, and EMBL1 sessions where students will have self-learning time and time to discuss with peers and develop their knowledge on the specific topics
Unit 2 – Professional product (3EC) covering EMBL2 sessions and Master classes with industry experts for developing a group project – a Bidbook as a written report for a real Event proposal
Unit 3– Educational Fieldtrips (3EC), organized with Industry experts where students should take active participation with questions and discussion, in order to understand the and get insights from Best cases in the Events industry