Small-sized tourism entrepreneurs implements numerous different sustainability measures, going beyond the typical environmental and cost-saving sustainability measures that they are assumed to take, concludes Femke Vrenegoor in her thesis Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurs: Values, Motivations and Implemented Sustainability Measures.
Femke found evidence that there is an emerging attention to the social dimension of sustainability: “These entrepreneurs implement numerous social sustainability measures, though they simply don’t recognize them as such. Typically, these actions connect to their embeddedness in their locality. For example, they hire local staff, they use local suppliers for food, and they contribute to the overall wellbeing of the local community.”
Values and motivations
Furthermore, Femke’s research shows that values and motivations are crucial antecedents in understanding which and how many sustainability measures the entrepreneur implements in their organization. Values are a stable but less direct antecedent of sustainable behaviour, and motivations are a more direct yet less stable antecedent of sustainable behaviour.