Elena Cavagnaro began her research into sustainable business practices in the services industry in the late 1990s, when this phenomenon was just emerging. Sustainability for her is a moral appeal to societies, businesses, and individuals to pursue other values alongside profit.
At NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences she helped develop the master programmes, including Master of Arts in Hospitality and Service Management. In 2004 she was appointed Professor of Service Studies and then ten years later she became Professor of Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism. In 2021 she was appointed Associate Professor of Responsible Leadership Development and Susainability in Tourism, at the University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân. Since 2023 Cavagnaro is Chair of the Graduate Committee for the Professional Doctorate in Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality. She is visiting professor at the University of Sunderland (UK) and the University of Bergamo (Italy).
Cavagnaro and George Curiel co-authored the book 'The Three Levels of Sustainability', which was published in 2012 and became a bestseller. A second, revised edition was published in 2023. Cavagnaro also edited the book 'Sustainable Value Creation in Hospitality, Guests on Earth'. The views on sustainability that Cavagnaro shares in both books have served as the basis for the research carried out by the Research Group.
Inauguration speech
Dr Cavagnaro delivered an inauguration speech when she was inaugurated as a Professor of Applied Sciences in 2004.
Recent publications
- Cavagnaro, E. (2024), "Looking at Tourists Through the Lens of Aristotelian Friendship – On Altruism in Tourism 1 ", Pechlaner, H., Olbrich, N. and Isetti, G. (Ed.) Destination Conscience (New Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Management), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 37-50. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80455-960-420241006
- Cavagnaro, E., Altan, M., Jonker, E. & Reinders, M. (2024) What is not known is not aimed for — Understanding staff knowledge and readiness to embrace sustainable and healthy food, Research in Hospitality Management, 13:3, 135-142, DOI: 10.1080/22243534.2024.2322224
- Cavagnaro, E. and G.H. Curiel (2023) The Three Levels of Sustainability, second edition, Routledge.
- Tomassini, L., Cavagnaro, E. (2023). Circular Oikonomia, Posthumanism, and local space to socialise tourism. In (eds.) Higgins-Desbiolles, F., Bigby, B.C. (2023). The local turn in tourism: empowering communities. Chapter 2, Channel View.
- Jonker, E. and Cavagnaro E. (2023) Food and beverage Sustainability Criteria, in Legrand, W., Kuokkanen, H. and Day, J.(eds.) Critical Questions in Sustainability and Hospitality, Routledge, Part II, Chapter 7, pp.77-86.
Best Paper Award
At the end of May 2015 the annual CHME research conference found place in Manchester (UK). Theme of the conference was 'The future in our hands'. During this conference Dr Elena Cavagnaro was honoured with the Award for Best Paper of their track.
In 2018 the case on Aquis Great Barrier Reef Resort that she co-authored with Femke Vrenegoor and Sarah Seidel won the CHRIE case study competition.