Martin Dijkstra has a keen interest in both software and hardware architecture. At the Computer Vision professorship & knowledge centre his work includes working on, for example, software components for further developing autonomously flying drones.
“During my Information Technology study at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, I had an internship at the Computer Vision knowledge centre, where I also did my graduation project. My work included working on the first version of an architecture for autonomous UAVs, the so-called Twirre architecture. It was fascinating to be involved in the development of an idea into a first working version. It was also fantastic to see a UAV flying independently. My work has also included accelerating computer vision algorithms. Immediately after my studies I could start work at the knowledge centre as a project engineer.” Underlying software “My most important research subject involves the autonomous control of UAVs. For this I am mostly busy with the underlying software components of the Twirre architecture for autonomous UAVs. This has been designed by us, and we are currently developing this even further. Another interesting research subject, for which there is unfortunately no time at the moment, is the acceleration of computer vision algorithms using multi-threading and GPGPU. The latter involves using video cards in order to accelerate software.”