In 2013, she earned a PhD in "Research Methods for the Analysis of Socio-Economic Change" from "La Sapienza," with her doctoral thesis focusing on youth tourism in Italy. She has been a researcher at the Italian National Statistical Institute since 2002, specialising in health and disability statistics. From 2015 to 2017, she served as an adjunct professor of Statistics for Tourism. Then, from 2017 to 2019, she was an adjunct professor of Economics of Tourism. In the academic year 2019-2020, she held a position as an adjunct professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sapienza University in Rome. Since 2018, she has been teaching Statistics and Data Analysis at the Master in Languages of Tourism and Intercultural Communication at the University of Studies "Roma Tre".
Since 2012, she is an external member of the Research Group Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism, at the Academy of International Hospitality Research at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. In recent years she has participated in various research projects on the subject culture and well-being.
Recent publications
CICERCHIA, S. STAFFIERI (2023) Cultural Welfare Theatre in the Limelight. In Theater(s) and Public Sphere in a Global and Digital Society. Theoretical Explorations, Volume 1, Leiden, Boston a cura di Ilaria Riccioni - Brill, ISBN: 978-90-04-52654-9
L. TOMASSINI, S. STAFFIERI, E. CAVAGNARO (2021) Local food consumption and practice theory: a case study on guests’ motivations and understanding. Research in Hospitality Management volume 11 – Issue 2 - ISSN (PRINT): 2224-3534 - SSN (ONLINE): 2415-5152
E. BOLOGNA, S. STAFFIERI (2021) Women and leisure in the Italian context. Women & Leisure Book. CABI (International Academic publisher in the life sciences)
E. CAVAGNARO, S. STAFFIERI, A. CARRIERI, K. BURNS, N. CHEN, A. FERMANI (2021) Profiling for sustainable tourism: young travellers’ self- transcendence values and motivations. European Journal of Tourism Research, 28, 2810
E. CAVAGNARO, S. STAFFIERI, A. POSTMA (2018) Understanding millennials’ tourism experience: values and meaning to travel as a key for identifying target clusters for youth (sustainable) tourism. In Journal of Tourism Futures 4(1), 31-42, DOI:10.1108/JTF-12-2017-0058
Best Paper Award
At the end of May 2015, the annual CHME research conference found place in Manchester (UK). Theme of the conference was 'The future in our hands'. During this conference Simona Staffieri and Dr Elena Cavagnaro were honoured with the Award for Best Paper of their track.