“I felt that studying abroad better suited my personality. I’m very social and like talking to people. My energy would feel out of place at a university in Dubai. It’s quite school-like there and I wanted the more independent student life. I’m a very family-oriented person, so it was good that my parents were so supportive of me wanting to study abroad. I'm the first female in our family to study in Europe so it was of course quite a big thing, but they saw how serious I was about it. I have cousins studying in Amsterdam and my brother is studying in Groningen. He was the one that suggested NHL Stenden would be better for me than a research university. Although I'd also been accepted to do law at Groningen University, I really liked the practical approach offered here. When I tell my friends that we already work with real life clients in our first year, they're impressed. And they agree that this was the right decision for me.”
“The projects we have are quite varied, but my favourite project is the one we’re doing now. It's all about recruitment, retention and vitality in health care organisations in the Carribean. We’re focusing on vitality and retention and the HRM manager at our client company has been very cooperative giving us lots of information for our research and report. I felt like we've all been working at the same level and with the same goal in mind. I really like that we're working for a real client as I feel it really prepares us for when we graduate. This is exactly what we could be doing later. We're learning the subject, learning how to give and handle feedback and, most importantly, we're learning how to think outside the box rather than stay in our comfort zone. For me personally, I feel that by finding things out by myself, my knowledge becomes more like a natural instinct. I like following a process but I'm improving my way of thinking so that I can be more creative and come up with more solutions. The more solutions I can come up with, the more doable and effective they become.”
A lot going on
IHRM is basically a combination of psychology, business, economics, law and even touches on neuromarketing which means we have lots of options available in terms of career paths. It integrates so many different aspects of all the subjects I like and it means there's a lot going on in the programme. You don't just look at a situation from a business point of view, but you analyse the psychology and human behaviour side too. This may sound a little vague, but I think that what makes International Human Resource Management so exciting is actually how broad it is.”