Sabina Carlasuc

Sabina Carlasuc
“I immediately felt a connection; like I was already part of this community.”
Sabina Carlasuc
Student Marketing Management

While still at high school in Moldova, Marketing Management student Sabina dreamt of studying abroad. Her decision to study at NHL Stenden not only gives her the international opportunities she wanted, but also helps her on her way to setting up her own marketing agency.

“I immediately felt a connection; like I was already part of this community. “

“In my country, it's very common to travel and study abroad. Of course there are universities in Moldova, but I'd always dreamed of experiencing the world and getting out of my comfort zone. A lot of my friends were planning to study in a foreign country too, so it was actually an easy decision. First I searched for the ‘top 10 best universities’ in the Netherlands and then I looked them up on social media. As I scrolled through the NHL Stenden Instagram account, I immediately felt a connection; like I was already part of this community. The stories were very personal and I could relate to them. A lot of other universities aren’t on social media and when they are, it's often more formal. Another reason why I had chosen to study at NHL Stenden, is because they’re offering a study programme that completely focuses on marketing. Not many studies do. So I applied for the study course Marketing Management.”

“I made a huge step in my personal development”

“It took me a little while to adjust. But the teachers are very helpful and are willing to help me with any questions I have. That was something I hadn’t experienced before. I was used to there being a strict line between teachers and students, yet here the teachers are very open, easy to approach and like to know how you’re doing. That makes me feel very comfortable. Another thing I wasn’t familiar with is the way of teaching. It’s very practical based with guided theory from our books. Every two months you get a project to work on and that's the focus for that period. Because you have to work on it in groups I was (and still am) able to learn a lot about myself and other cultures. Within my class, there are students from Romania, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania and even Latvia. I was used to working on my own and could be very impulsive, but now I've learnt to work together and to discuss my point of view and think about the how I express my opinions. It means my studies are really preparing me for the professional field I'll be working in. “

Take the leap

“I know for sure I made the right decision to study here. My degree really is preparing me for what I would like to become: a marketing specialist. My dream is to set up my own marketing agency so to make sure I'm even better prepared for this challenge I joined the Center of Entrepreneurship at NHLStenden. They are helping me develop my idea, by guiding me through things like writing a business plan and developing my entrepreneurial skills. And there are so many opportunities still to come, like studying for six months at the NHL Stenden Grand Tour location in Bali. Everything I do is guided through my life motto: get out of your comfort zone. Really, I would advise anyone to take that leap. It turned out great for me. “