Minor content
"Wicked problems" in health are complex issues that are difficult to define, inherently unsolvable, and involve many interconnected factors. These challenges often arise from the involvement of multiple stakeholders, cultural values, ethical dilemmas, and conflicting interests. You can think of health inequities, climate change, misinformation and public trust, ageing population, access to health care, ethical dilemmas etc.
In this minor, the focus is on EAST MEETS WEST. What similarities and differences are there with regard to the population of Indonesia and specifically in Bali when it comes to norms, values, culture, health, health care, prevention, technology, wealth, poverty, wellbeing, etc. What can we learn from each other, to ensure future-proof innovations in health and harmony of the community. The concepts that will be covered deal with the different groups of people, health and harmony, prevention, communication, interdisciplinary work, and applied research.
Structure of the minor
IProgram of 30 EC focused on:
- Cross culture understanding and Language Bahasa;
- Buddy system (linking Balines students to Dutch students);
- Holistic vision on Health and Harmony with varied fieldtrips;
- Complementary approach or interventions such as: Music Therapy, Boreh Therapy, Lengis;
- Tandusan & Acupressure, Balinese Yoga, Melukat;
- Voluntary work;
- East meets West innovation project;
- Presentation & assessment.
The language of instruction is English.