Minor content
Mindful leadership is a mindfulness-based leadership course that can help transform your life and career, but it all starts with transforming yourself first.
This minor focuses on teaching personal development techniques through the means of emotional intelligence, mindfulness meditation, and leadership. Students should note that the emphasis in this minor is on the mindfulness aspect and how it pertains to leadership and not the other way round. Because of this, a dominant portion of the course focuses on your own self-development and self-leadership. This takes both courage and authenticity. Through the learning of various skillsets such as focused awareness, emotional regulation, and empathy, you will understand how to enhance your self-awareness and self-management skills, and overall become a more empathetic leader in the workplace. The theoretical framework this minor is based upon is Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Quadrant: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management (Goleman, 1995). Such skillsets are proven to be necessary for the dramatically shifting work environment of the 21st century, where burnout rates are increasing exponentially and employee well-being is compromised.
The key to being a superior, emotionally intelligent leader starts first with building a strong personal foundation in your own self-awareness. If your goal is to become a leader in the industry who possesses these characteristics as well as cognitive flexibility, clear communication, authenticity, and enhanced empathy, then this course is for you. This minor will provide you with the building blocks to optimally develop yourself so you can best lead others.
This minor is offered by the study program Human Resource Management.
Structure of the minor
Unit 1: Mindfulness (5 EC)
Learning Outcome: To evaluate the applied benefits of mindfulness-based practices and its potential value in organisations:
- Focuses on building students' self-awareness through meditation, yoga and reflection.
- Mindfulness theory classes
- Meditation Workshops
- One day silent retreat – yoga retreat center
Unit 2: Emotional Intelligence (5 EC)
Learning outcome: To analyse and demonstrate the relationship between the emotional intelligence (E.I) quadrant and mindful leadership skillsets:
- Focuses on building students’ self-management skills through emotional intelligence practices and motivational talks by guest lecturers.
- Get to know your emotions and build resilience
- Think Feel Act workshop
Unit 3: Mindful Leadership (5EC)
Learning outcome: To create a portfolio that reflects on the development of mindful leadership skillsets, and how the student plans to integrate these skills at a personal and professional level.
- Focuses on building a student’s relationship management skills and social awareness through building communication and empathy
- Understand mindful management
- Communication and leadership workshop