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Music Business: Digitisation for the Music Business of Tomorrow

Starts in
February & September

Digitisation of the Music Business is one of the key drivers for hiring future professionals. Whether you want to manage an artist, release a song or album or book and promote a live event. Audiences as well as professionals have to deal with a digital music industry. In this minor you will learn about the music industries as well as collaborate with industry partners to become the digital music professional of tomorrow!

Minor content

In this minor we focus on two main aspects: to teach you about the basics of the music business and to work on a strategic project that helps the industry to move forward. All core programme discusses the industry as a whole and you will pick a specific career path (artist management, label or release management and live management (booking and promoting)) that you are interested in developing into.

We do that by offering you the follwing:

Basics of Music Business
- Cases on particular subjects that we investigate and discuss. You will work from a case, do your homework to understand the theoretical side of the industry and discuss and learn from industry professionals.
- Workshops and lectures from industry professionals.
- Individual career path; you get time from us to develop your own career path into the Music Business. You will translate your ideas into specific goals that allow you to grow a career in the industry.

Strategic Project
- We collaborate with industry professionals from e.g. ESNS, SPOT Groningen and 3S Music Management.
- We solve their problems through design thinking in a project that you will present to the industry.
- We have an international approach; that means that we collaborate with international partners from the Music industry in Europe to solve problems for that particular field.

This minor is offered by Creative Business.


Structure of the minor

The minor Music Business is a full semester minor of 30EC. You will work in teams up to five students on a wide variety of cases related to digitisation in the music industry. During the semester your classes will be in Ateliers, Coach meetings and expert meetings and collaboration sessions. Every semester we will include:

- Collaborations and co-creation sessions with industry partners such as ESNS, SPOT Groningen and 3S Music.
- The ability for you to get in touch with industry professionals. We have had groups that got in touch with over 25 professionals for a single project. You are in the lead, we like to share our contacts.
- Visits to industry partners or conferences.

Study features

Starts in
February & September
European credits
Minor type
For all bachelor programmes & Incoming Exchange


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