Results NSS: all theme scores rise at NHL Stenden


NHL Stenden students rate their university of applied sciences better on all themes than a year ago, according to the results of the National Student Survey (NSS). The NSS was conducted early this year at all university of applied sciences in the Netherlands: the results were published on Tuesday. 8,950 students at NHL Stenden completed the survey.

NHL Stenden saw scores rise on all NSS themes: from general satisfaction to study support and from atmosphere on the course to study facilities. General satisfaction among students was already on the rise and now rises - on a scale of 1 to 5 - to 3.67. That figure is slightly higher than the average of all major universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.

Good connection to professional practice

With the NSS, the Landelijk Centrum Studiekeuze (LCSK) asks students questions about various aspects of education. Among other things, they are asked about ‘alignment with professional practice’. Of the large Dutch universities of applied sciences, NHL Stenden scores best on this aspect. In ‘content and structure’, ‘study guidance’ and ‘involvement and contact’, NHL Stenden is in the top three.

Erica Schaper, chair of the Executive Board: ‘We can all be proud of the results: in all areas, our students rated us higher. Nice is the score on atmosphere, study guidance and of course the connection to professional practice. We also want to excel in this, based on our unique educational concept. It's nice that students feel the same way.’

National Student Survey

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students give their opinion on their higher education programme during the National Student Survey (NSS). All higher education students are invited. LCSK uses these results for study advice. The results can also be used by colleges and universities to improve education.

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