NHL Stenden subscribes to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (NGWI). This means that we conduct research based on the following 5 principles:
- honesty
- scrupulousness
- transparency
- independence
- responsibility
Do you have any doubts about the integrity with which research has been or is being conducted, as a participant, involved institution or co-researcher? Do you suspect, for example, that research results have been fabricated or falsified or that plagiarism has been committed? If so, please contact one of the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences' confidential counsellors for research integrity.
Confidential Counsellors for Research Integrity
The confidential counsellor is the contact person for reports regarding a (supposed) violation of research integrity. With this confidant, a (supposed) violation can be investigated for further advice, guidance and/or mediation in a possible follow-up step. Besides what officially falls under violation, there may also be (possibly) questionable behaviour about which one wants to discuss.
The working method of the confidential counsellors is characterised by confidentiality and respect for the parties involved; they are obliged to maintain secrecy except for an obligation to report serious offences. The confidants can be contacted via e-mail: vertrouwenspersoon.wi@nhlstenden.com.
National Committee for Scientific Integrity
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences has a seat on a National Committee for Scientific Integrity. The committee consists of members from HAN, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, NHL Stenden Hogeschool, Van Hall Larenstein Hogeschool and Saxion Hogeschool. You can contact the committee if you suspect that one or more standards of research integrity have been or are being violated.
We advise you to first contact one of the confidential counsellors of NHL Stenden if you suspect a violation. Do you wish to file a complaint? Then submit it to the official secretary of the committee: commissie-wetenschappelijke.integriteit@han.nl
The Regulations of the Scientific Integrity Confidential Advisor and the Joint Regulation on Complaints of Scientific Integrity (i.e., Reglement vertrouwenspersoon Wetenschappelijk integriteit and Gezamenlijke regeling klachten wetenschappelijk integriteit, Dutch only) can be found here.