We are always looking for ways to make our management even more sustainable. We believe that sustainability is an important part of the quality we are looking to provide as an institution of higher education. Sustainable management requires sustainable policy. That is why this theme is included in all sorts of policy documents: from our strategic institutional plan to our educational policy.
Strategic Institutional Plan
In our strategic institutional plan, we describe how we want to provide the highest possible quality. Sustainability plays an important part in all aspects of this plan. The preface describes this role from the perspective of our employees and students:
“It is a story about people who, together, want to make a contribution to the worldwide solution of social, economic and technological issues, of issues that are more and more without borders.”
In the first chapter, we paint a picture of our surroundings and the social issues of the future. On page 13 of the plan, you can read more about the role of Sustainable Education in our Design Based Education concept. And further on, on page 15, you can read more about our focus points: Vital Regions, Smart Sustainable Industries and Service Economy.