New research project for Maritime IT Security

Rotterdamse haven

The lectorate The Maritime IT Security Research Group, part of the ICT & Creative Technologies academy is going to collaborate on the cyber security of the port of Rotterdam under the leadership of Professor Stephen McCombie. This collaboration is a great opportunity for NHL Stenden according McCombie.

'This is a great collaboration for us. The Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University) is leading this project for the Port of Rotterdam Authority to improve the cybersecurity and cyber resilience of the port and its constituent organisations,' indicates Stephen McCombie. 'Our research colleagues from Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University) are experts in trade and logistics and we from NHL Stenden bring our expertise in maritime cyber security.'

Rotterdam is Europe's largest seaport and was the world's largest until 2004. So it is a huge player in the field of port and maritime infrastructure and for supply chains worldwide. 'Existing projects and research are key components for this new research project,' says McCombie. 'Our Maritime Cyber Attack Database MCAD and our simulations of maritime cyber incidents will both be used extensively in this project.'

The consortium for the research project consists of the following parties: Erasmus University Rotterdam - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus UPT, TU Delft Faculty of TBM, NHL Stenden Lectoraat Maritime IT Security, FERM, Schuberg Philis, Kotug, Lloyd's Register, Platform Veilig Ondernemen, Municipality of Rotterdam, SmartPort. The Port of Rotterdam Authority supports the project, coordinating its approach through FERM. In addition, the Province of South Holland is funding additional activities of Erasmus UPT. The project is funded by the TKI Dinalog, part of the Top Sector Logistics, under the innovation programme CyberSecurity4 NL.

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