Dr Anthonio (Professor of Applied Sciences) is a part-time member of the NHL Stenden faculty and also serves as a commissioner at several institutions in the welfare and public housing sectors. His qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Social Sciences/Educational Science at VU University Amsterdam, and in 2006 he completed his PhD research into ‘The Humanisation of a Judicial Organisation’ at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. Dr Anthonio has previously worked as director of a probation service, a juvenile detention centre and a forensic psychiatric hospital.

He currently serves as the chairman of the Board of Management of Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland, an organisation for drug rehabilitation/addiction treatment. In his professorship, Anthonio hopes to establish a link between practical and professional research, academic research and day-to-day operations in organisations.

Inauguration speech

Dr Anthonio delivered an inauguration speech on his appointment as a Professor of Applied Sciences.


  • Anthonio, G.G. (2015), Waarden gedreven cultuur, niet succes, maar de mens centraal [‘Value-driven Culture: Prioritising People over Success’], in: P&O Actueel, Feb. 2015 No. 1/2, p.p. 36-37, Reed Business: Amsterdam.
  • Anthonio G.G., Kowalewsky T., & Wittek R.P.M., et al Hoek. K.W & Blom van der H., (Eds.) (2014), Onderzoek naar de 7 Habits van Covey, volgens de principes van Reflectief Longitudinaal Onderzoek (RLO) [‘Research into Covey’s 7 Habits, according to the principles of Reflective Longitudinal Research (RLR)’] in: Nieuwe Nieuwsgierigheid Stenden: Leeuwarden.
  • Anthonio, G.G. & Nandoe R. (2014). The Humanisation of Organisations: From a Vertical to a More Horizontal Organisation, Forum voor Humanisering, University of Humanistic Studies, http://normatieveprofessionalisering.nl, January 2014.
  • Anthonio, G.G. (2012). Book review: Geloofwaardig Leiderschap [‘Credible Leadership’], (Saan, J., 2012) in: Psyche & Geloof, Tijdschrift van de Christelijke vereniging voor Psychiaters, Psychologen en Psychotherapeuten (CVPPP) ‘Psyche & Faith: magazine published by the Christian Association of Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists], Volume 23, Issue 4, p.p. 248-251, December 2012, Zoetermeer, the Netherlands.
  • Anthonio, G.G. (2011). Humanisering van een Justitiële organisatie, menselijke waarden als leidraad bij organisatie veranderingen [‘Humanisation of a Judicial Organisation: Human Values as a Guideline in Organisational Change’], PhD research 2006; Digitiaal Wetenschappelijk Archief: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services University Library Uithof - Utrecht, the Netherlands.

List of all publications by Dr. Gabriël Anthonio