At NHL Stenden we aim for practical research with a visible impact on society. To achieve this, we join forces with organisations and companies that are, like us, committed to a sustainable future. Our researchers work closely together with our students, for example in workshops, projects or on graduation assignments. This way, we learn with and from each other.

Focus Areas

NHL Stenden has a strong content profile that focuses on three social issues, our so-called focus points. In these three focus points, sustainability is represented in various ways. Our three focus points are:


Vital Regions

Making and keeping our regions more vital.

Service Economy

Aiming for 100% sustainability and quality of life in the service sector.
Onderzoek header

Smart Sustainable Industries

How to make the industry smarter and more sustainable?

Sustainable Professorships

Over 40 professorships are associated with our three focus areas. A number of these professorships specifically focuses on sustainability issues.

  • Professorship Water Technology: researches, inter alia, how we can make sure that there is no useless waste of water, how to provide water to the growing global population.
  • Professorship Sustainable Synthetics  develops bio based and biodegradable plastics and sustainable production processes.
  • Professorship Circular Plastics conducts applied research into closing the synthetics life cycle.
  • Professorship Maritime Innovation Techniques : focuses on, inter alia, safer and cleaner ships.
  • Professorship Maritime Law deals with, inter alia, research into new rules for safety and environment.
  • Professorship Purposeful Entrepreneurship works on the development of knowledge about, inter alia, circular business, sustainable employment and the enhancement of entrepreneurial ecosystems.