Header project Tans-Plant
Header project Tans-Plant


Project leader
Bianca Harms
February 2023 - December 2024
Communication, Media, Design

The Trans-Plant project is a collaboration between NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and University of Groningen with the aim of accelerating the transition to a plant-based society, particularly in the North. The project originated from the Aanjaagfonds of the University of the North.


The environmental impact of food production and consumption is enormous. It is estimated to account for 20 to 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As the global population continues to grow, the pressure on our food system will only increase. The equivalent of almost three planets is needed to provide the natural resources needed to sustain our current lifestyle.

A diet with more plant-based ingredients and fresh vegetables is not only healthier and more ethical but helps prevent bulk food-related diseases and also increases the quality of food production. Moving from animal to plant-based proteins offers an unprecedented opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint and fight climate change while improving health. 


Trans-Plant's objective is to form a growing network, a living mycelium, by bringing together and supporting all actors implementing and facilitating the transition to a plant-based society. While there are already many initiatives from companies, universities, and other knowledge institutions, we still know little about farmer and citizen initiatives in this field. Trans-Plant wants to focus on mapping these smaller initiatives and adding them to the already known network. As a result, alternative solution approaches and "good practices" may emerge and develop in parallel.

Project approach

There are currently many local and small-scale initiatives working on alternative solutions for the current food, nutrition, and food systems. These initiatives work alone and often lack the resources to sustain or expand their impact. Trans-Plant supports and connects these local initiatives. Through the co-creation and co-learning of producers, consumers, knowledge institutions, and other societal actors, we can facilitate the desired transition to a plant-based society.