SDG 17 focuses on the partnerships that are needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. At NHL Stenden, our default mode is collaboration. 
'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.' This quote by the American writer Helen Keller has shot to fame over the years and for good reason, as it boils down to this: together we can achieve a lot more. Cutting down your own water consumption is great – but what if your whole family, town, country, or all of Europe, were to follow suit?
NHL Stenden works with a wide range of partners in a number of different fields. As an institution, we have our own global network of partners, however, as a (knowledge) partner in education and research, we are also part of a great many (chain) partnerships, including in relation to sustainability: Circulair Friesland and Fossylfrij Fryslân.
Partnership in education and research
Within our research and education, we likewise devote attention to (inter)national partnerships in order to increase the resources and capacity – and ultimately the impact.