The bachelor's degrees are four-year programmes that can be completed in three years depending on your previous education. At NHL Stenden, bachelor studies include internships, practical assignments, minors and chances to study and work abroad. A bachelor's degree at our university of applied sciences carries 240 credits and is equivalent to an EQF level 6/NLQF level 6.
Giving you a degree that really works!
We’re not only independently rated as one of the top 4 universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, our students also highly rank the value of our education. We work closely with professionals in the field to ensure our programmes are tailored to the needs of the industry. Our top facilities, professional lecturers, real-world projects and international environment mean students earn degrees that really work on the work floor.
NHL Stenden is one of the top 4 universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands according to the annual Dutch Higher Education Guide
80% of all NHL Stenden students say they are in general satisfied or very satisfied with their study programme according to the Dutch National Student Survey (NSE)
There are over 20 Top Programmes according to the annual Dutch Higher Education Guide
You build practical experience while you study by working on projects set by companies
Your degree includes an internship giving you the chance to really put your skills to use on the workfloor
You work in project teams and take on different roles for each project – and get guidance from your coach on a personal and professional level. It’s a mirror of professional life.
Three-year bachelor programmes
Some of our bachelor's degrees can be followed in three years, as a fast track programme. Your workload is more intense than on the four-year programme and you’re expected to acquire a large part of the theoretical knowledge through self-study. Of course, you still work on challenges set by industry and follow a minor and/or do an internship abroad (this option depends on the degree, so check out the programme page for more information). You’ll need to have the equivalent of, for instance, an international baccalaureate diploma in order to be eligible to follow your bachelor’s degree as a fast track programme.
The programme carries 180 credits and means you can easily continue your education with a UAS master’s degree and still be finished and ready to launch your career in four years. If you want to do your master’s at a research university, you’ll need to do a pre-master's programme.
Check out our fast track programmes for Creative Business and Hospitality Management.
Advanced entry bachelor programmes
If you already have experience in the subject field or you’ve already completed some form of education in the same subject area, then you may be eligible for an advanced entry bachelor’s programme. We currently have two programmes that offer advanced entry, or what we refer to as short track programmes. By having your previous education or experience accredited, you can cut the programme duration down to anything between 1½ to 3 years.
The programme’s Admissions Committee decides whether students qualify for the short track programme on an individual basis. Check out the course programme pages for Tourism Management and Hospitality Management for more information.
Find out about the bachelor’s degrees we offer at NHL Stenden
Interested in taking a bachelor’s degrees? Find out what we have on offer and how you can apply.