Klavers Groene Transitie PPS Water Chemie Food
Klavers Groene Transitie PPS Water Chemie Food

PPP Green Transition

Green Transition in Water, Chemicals and Food
Project leader
Femke Tamminga
September 2023 - September 2027
Engineering and Technology

PPP Green Transition is a collaboration between five already well-run public-private partnerships (business, education and government) in the northern Netherlands. These are PPPs in the water, chemical and food sectors.

Banner Groene Transitie 2024

We seek cooperation because the challenges facing the sectors, water, chemicals and food have overlapping societal challenges in terms of climate change, environmental pollution and energy transition.

Some of the challenges we face include:

  • Need to produce ‘differently’. Just think of stricter requirements, global climate issues, environmental pollution.
  • Economic and demographic developments. Fewer and fewer skilled professionals remaining employed in the region, an ageing population and external influences on the health of our people, for example. Think of increasing awareness around the dangers of microplastics on us and our environment, non-degradable litter in the environment and the availability of healthy drinking water coming under increasing pressure.
  • Rapid developments in technology. Think robotisation, automation, virtual reality and the developments around AI.

To deal with these - and many other challenges - education, business and governments from the Northern Netherlands are joining forces. We are launching initiatives, projects and working groups to, for example, develop education to upskill and/or retrain people in the regional business community.

Public private partnership Green Transition

CoE GreenPAC logo
CIW Water Groene Transitie
Centre of Expertise Water Technology CEW Groene Transitie
Bakery Sweets Centre logo Groene Transitie
WVLO Logo Wendbaar Vakmanschap Groene Transitie

Cooperating partners

Business, education and government work together within Green Transition. This involves five well-run PPPs joining forces: 

Work packages

There are several work packages under which we divide our work. Each work package has its own focus points and deliverables.

Preliminary results

At the moment, the biggest gain is that the various PPPs know how to find each other and that solutions to the (societal) issues we are facing at the moment and in the future are now being sought together. This seemingly small development is of great importance because together we are better able to provide solutions for the major challenges.

Some of the great results and successful activities so far:

  • We launched our corporate identity and logo at the end of 2024. This increases our visibility and makes it easier to communicate from one motto. On LinkedIn , we share successes, results and best practices.
  • In early November 2024, we stood with a delegation of enthusiastic partners on the Green Horizon square during the Promotiedagen in Martiniplaza, Groningen. We talked to interested people from the business world, handed out delicious snacks from the bread paste and met potential cooperation partners who have the same ideas running through their DNA.
  • We are developing new courses. Such as Polymer Engineering, a joint Master's programme of NHL Stenden and Windesheim and the bachelor's programme Green Chemistry.
  • We are also working on several project applications, such as the Microplastics in Water application.
Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to...

Is Green Transition something for you?

Green Transition in Water, Chemistry & Food is a collaboration between five already well-run public-private partnerships (business, education and government) in the Northern Netherlands. Do the challenges we face in terms of climate change, environmental pollution and energy transition sound familiar to you? And would you like to exchange views, or just spar about the possibilities of what we can do for each other?

Send us an e-mail!