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Media Concepts & Sustainability

Starts in
February & September


The world faces many challenges that require urgent attention. At the same time the media plays a vital role in the way and intensity of connection between people more than ever before. By using that connection and delivering the right content, people and organizations can be persuaded to behave more sustainably. If you want to create media concepts that impact the world in a positive way, transformational media as we call it, this minor might be what you need!

Minor content

The minor focusses on creating media and communication concepts, therefore concepting is one the prime subjects. We want you to create these concepts based on substantiated arguments and that is why research vital. From understanding your user or audience to being able to measure your impact, and everything in between.

Furthermore, when working with a topic related to sustainability it is important to work from a personal passion or driver. That is why personal leadership is also an important topic of this minor.

This is an example of a student’s project:


In this minor you will work both individually and in a group. The group work focusses on developing a concept for a brand, organization or policymaker, while individually you’ll create a media concept that helps you present and promote yourself as a sustainable media and communication professional.

The educational concept within NHL-Stenden is called Design Based Education (DBE)* and is also how this minor will be approached. The minor is hosted by both the Ba Creative Business and Ba Communication. Media concepts & Sustainability is executed in collaboration with the Professorship Transformational Media and it serves as a good preparation for students who want to continue studying at the Master Content & Media Strategy.

*More information about DBE can be found here.

Study features

Starts in
February & September
European credits
Minor type
For all bachelor programmes & Incoming Exchange
Sustainable Development Goals

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