
Hospitality Education

Associate Professorship

Hospitality Education plays a vital role in shaping future proof professionals for the dynamic hospitality industry. These professionals anticipate and engage with the (future) complexity and developments within the hospitality industry and society. Hospitality Education serves as a catalyst to foster meaningful learning between theoretical knowledge (academics) and application in the hospitality industry (hospitality professionals).

Innovative educational concepts, such as Design Based Education, are designed to support learners in becoming adaptable, strategic and future-oriented hospitality professionals. It is worthwile to monitor the impact of these educational concepts from a trialogical perspective, considering the perpective of learners, educators-researchers, and industry professionals. 

Contemporary challenges, such as demographic changes and a scarcity of hospitality personnel, necessitate a reassessment of paradigms within both the hospitality industry and education. It becomes imperative to consider how we approach hospitality education, particularly in light of pressing issues like the recruitment of (young) hospitality professionals and managing work-related pressures. This prompts questions: Are current hospitality educational concepts, with distinct settings for learning and working, still effective? How can we stimulate hospitality professionals to embrace lifelong learning?

The mission

To foster meaningful learning in hospitality education and beyond: a collaborative relationship between education and the industry, transforming them into partners in lifelong learning.

From partners in learning to partners in lifelong learning in hospitality industry.

The aims of the associate professorship: 

  • Monitoring the long-term impacts and implications of educational concepts and educational drivers.
  • Facilitating boundary-crossing between education and industry with the aim of moving to lifelong learning partnerships.
  • Promoting cross-disciplinary learning: engaging with other disciplines, industries, institutions, cultures, and contexts.
  • Exploring trialogical processes among learners, hospitality educators and professionals.
  • Cultivating communities of hospitality learners and professionals, fostering exploratory dialogues and constructing shared narratives on specific hospitality themes.
  • Encouraging hospitality educators to design evidence-informed approaches to teaching and learning, with the objective of nurturing future-oriented leaders among students.

Connection to education

The professorship focuses on research in hospitality education, specifically for the field of hospitality. Researchers within the professorship are engaged in teaching at the associate degree, bachelor, and master levels. They support management, curriculum committees, and educators in implementing education based on social constructivist learning principles. The professorship contributes by researching the underlying foundations and the perceptions and beliefs of stakeholders (students, educators, and industry partners) regarding education. Through Design-Based Learning studies, the professorship assists teachers in the cyclical, iterative, and research/evidence-informed design of educational programmes.


The Hospitality Education Research Group led by associate professor Dr Hanneke Assen consists of the following team members.

Team members


  • Assen, H. & Van Diggelen, M. (2024). Model toont belang samenwerking in teams Design-Based Ecudation. Science Guide, 24 maart 2024, derived via ‘Model toont belang samenwerking in teams bij Design-Based Education’ - ScienceGuide
  • Stevens, T. M., Day, I. N. Z., Den Brok, P. J., Prins, F. J., Assen, J. H. E., Ter Beek, M., Bombaerts, G., Coppoolse, R., Creemers, P. H. M., Engbers, R., Hulsen, M., Kamp, R. J. A., Koksma, J. J., Mittendorff, K., Riezebos, J., Van der Rijst, R. M., Van de Wiel, M. W. J., & Vermunt, J. D. (2023). Teacher professional learning and development in the context of educational innovations in higher education: A typology of practices. Higher Education Research and Development, 43(2)
  • Assen, J. H. E., Benhadda, L., Losekoot, E., Van Diggelen, M. (2023) Design thinking in hospitality education: Lessons learned and future opportunities. Journal of hospitality, sport and tourism education, 32
  • Assen, H., Van Felius, N., De Vries, S., & Van Katwijk, L. (2023). Het optimaal benutten van externe kennis in Design Based Learning Study. Optimally leveraging external knowledge in Design Based Learning Study. Didactiek voor Vak en Beroep. [Optimally leveraging external knowledge in Design Based Learning Study. Pedagogy for Profession and Vocation] , Lectoraat Didactiek voor Vak en Beroep NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. 
  • Assen. J. H. E. & Otting, H. (2022). Teachers’ collective learning: to what extent do facilitators stimulate the use of social, personal and theory sources for learning? Teaching and Teacher Education, 114, 1-11.
  • Assen, J. H. E. (2022). Activators for Change: Moving to Design Based Education. Internal document NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. 
  • Assen, J.H.E. & Otting, H. (2021), Lecturers’ perceptions of collective learning: A collective move to Desgin Based Education. In: Coelen, R., Assen, J. H. E. Donker, A., & Geitz, G. Stepping into DBE. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.
  • Coelen, R., Assen, J. H. E. Donker, A., & Geitz, G. (2021) Stepping into DBE. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences.
  • Assen, H., de Boer, M.R. & Fernandes, M. B (2021). Moving to design-based education in hotel management school: proof of success and beyond — a research journey. Research in Hospitality Management, 11(2), 145-15o.
  • Assen, J. H. E., Meijers, F., Zwaal, W., & Poell, R.F. Collective Learning (2019), Teacher Beliefs and Teaching behaviour in Management and Social Educational programmes. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 72(1), 1-22.
  • Assen, J. H. E., Koops, H., Meijers, F., Otting, H., & Poell, R.F. (2018). How can dialogue support teachers’ professional development? Harmonising multiple teachers’ I-positions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 73, 130-140.
  • Assen, J. H. E (2018). From a teacher-oriented to a learner-oriented approach to teaching: The role of collective learning processes. Eburon
  • Assen, J. H. E., Meijers, F., Otting. H., & Poell, R. F. (2016). Explaining discrepancies between teacher beliefs and teacher interventions in a problem-based learning environment: A mixed method study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 60, 12-23. 
  • Assen, J. H. E., Meijers, F., Otting, H., & Poell, R.F. (2016). Teacher interventions in a problem-based hospitality programme. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 19, 30-40.
  • Assen, J. H. E., & Zwaal, W. (2013). The evaluation of career-oriented dialogues in a social constructivist learning environment. Research in Hospitality Management, 3(1), 51-57.

See also

Disruption, Innovation and New Phenomena

Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism

Sustainable Development Goals

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